This Warrior Princess is finally feeling like she's winning...

So after my last blog about how bad life had got it took one more bad turn for the worse which caused a lot of stress for me and my husband and we really thought the dream was over!! But when you reach rock bottom there is no where else to go but back up and that is exactly what happened!!

In the midst of thinking it was all over and fate had chosen for us to move back to the UK I had the meeting of my dreams and properly started working for the company I had been dreaming to work for!!! We suddenly had a future, we could enjoy Christmas, I could finally smile again!!! 

This gave us the strength to dust everything else off our shoulders and move on! We had each other and our future was somewhat going to be ok and we could breathe, relax and start living again! 
And it's awesome because I love my job so much and really feel like I have found where I am supposed to be, doing something I want to do, have passion for and feel like I have worked for them for years as I feel I fit in so well!! 
On the flight to the UK
We were able to go back to the UK for Christmas spend quality time with our family and generally relax from the past few months of stress and prepare for the year ahead. We came back to Malmö for New Year but just had a quite one at home watching the fireworks from our balcony and feeling at home and in love!!
Me & My Boy eating our Christmas dinner
13 years hubs and I will have been together this year and 7 years married and it still feels new and I can only thank the bad times and stresses for always showing us what is most important in life and what actually matters!!! 

We are both ready for 2015 and to use all (and there were a lot) the lessons we learnt in 2014!! We are completely different people who started 2014 off and that's not just in weight and looks alone!! :)
We both have professional, personal and joint resolution (more goals) to meet this year and I know we will or if not at least learn a lesson or to on the road to meeting them (just like last year)!

Fireworks from or balcony, celebrating the start of 2015
Here are a few of mine, just so they are out there for me to be accountable to

- hit 100lbs lost
- run a mud run
- start a savings account
- work on my independence 

Happy New Year and Much Love to You All, 
Never give up on your dreams xxxx

Chase your dreams and never give up
