So its all getting a bit close now :) my bundle of joy is scheduled to arrive beginning of January...
The service I have received in Sweden has been amazing! My midwife has been perfect the whole way through and has been there every time I have needed her or had a silly question to ask. The hospital has been great and I have had more appointments and discussions then I could ever of imagined.
Even when we had a problem with one of our scans, we just mentioned it to out midwife and it had been reported and resolved with in days and the next time we went they made sure we were treated like royalty!
My Beautiful Baby Bump xxxx |
Being pregnant is as good as I thought it would be, if not better. YES someday's I can't get out of bed I'm that exhausted and walking is getting harder :) But when I sit at night and watch my bump moving around, kicking and stretching after 6 years of trying and being told it would never happen it takes my breath away and I can not help but smile.
Mummy, Daddy & Bump <3 |
Our apartment has the perfect nursery all waiting and ready with daddy's furniture building skills put to good use and baby has the best wardrobe going thanks to my family especially Nan.
I was thrown a baby shower a few weeks ago and my friends spoilt us both rotten and we had the best time. It really helped to show were not doing this as alone as we thought we would be giving birth in a different country to all our family.
My Baby Shower Cake and Nappy Cake :) |
I leave work next week starting my maternity leave and even with the exhaustion and slowly being able to walk and more waddle I really am going to miss work and the people. It has really made me feel settled in Malmö and that I had a purpose to be here. I'm not saying being a mummy here wont have a purpose but I just finally wasn't the wife who had followed, I had my own career back :)
But who's to say once I've had an awesome year with my newborn I won't be back and on my career path again.
I'm going to love the next couple of months, Malmö always gets so magical in December and all the Christmas markets, food and smells just makes it even more amazing. Then preparing for baby to arrive and Christmas, New Year my god it's going to be a busy but awesome time :)
Christmassy Malmö 2011 |
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