During February my not so little boy started at pre school which is förskola or dagis in Swedish. We originally we're given a place at one in town where as we live in the harbour and luckily with a 'bit' of persuasion from my husband the place was changed to our first choice, which is a lovely little dagis right behind our apartment with a big outdoor play area.
I had so many mixed feelings about him starting pre school from happy to sad but through mostly tears I let my little boy grow up that little bit more and took him for his first day.
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Spring time arriving in Malmö |
What is great about Sweden and pre school is the parents and child get a 2 week introduction where the parent is present as much as needed to help with the transition and then slowly weaned off while the child gets to go for longer each day. It's such a gentle, lovely way to introduce such a big step.
With Aadi our induction lasted 2 days with me going with him as our little independent boy never seemed to worry where I was or who the strangers were. He simply loved being in a place where he got to play all day...
For me, my transition took a bit longer then his. I spent the first day sitting quietly in the apartment not wanting to wake him (I know he wasn't there) but gradually my music got louder and my 'own' time started to feel real.
I realised I could get a bit of a schedule going of my own to coincide with his new day care hours while waiting for the big job phone call to come.
I was getting up dropping him off, hitting the gym for an hour, walking the dog, then sit doing admin and applying for jobs while eating my breakfast. I even managed to have lunch with my husband on our own a couple of times it was feeling like the perfect mix....
Unfortunately as I was feeling all Wonder Women and taking on the world, Aadi was being introduced to the world of pre school germs and of course he brought them home to share. We literally spent the whole of March (which had been planned to be our biggest fitness month yet) sick! First Aadi, then me, then hubby, then Aadi again. Luckily hubby only got sick once but was away on business twice so escaped some of the germs and lucky me got them all, staying ill for the whole month!!!
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Trying new ways to stop the junk food cravings :) |
Luckily I didn't put any weight on and still lost a few pounds but it certainly slowed things down and plateaued for a couple of weeks but this helped me to see how it really does count most in the kitchen because we maintained eating clean even though being sick you just want comfort food and junk and the scales thanked us for being good.
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Fun at the airport |
As April arrived I felt a lot better and Aadi seemed to have less germs to bring home and share. We managed to feel good enough to go to the UK to visit family for a week and now we are back and (touch wood) healthy this wonder woman can get her cape back on and get April under way as a big fitness, weight loss month...
Happy Healthy Family |
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