Nearly 3 months, really....

Wow I logged on to Blogger today and was shocked to see I haven't blogged for nearly 3 months! Where has the time gone and have I really not had anything to write about since the end of August??

Well my last blog was about LCHF and how we were throwing ourselves into the lifestyle and we were excited to see how it went - well after the first initial fab success we had had, things went downhill for both of us. The weight stopped coming off, our energy fell to a point where we didn't work out for days at a time and we felt tired all the time. It was so weird that when we first started LCHF the first month was fantastic and we felt amazing, healthy and energised and then the longer we stuck with it the worse we felt. I still recommend anyone to look into it because some friends have had great success with it and if it had worked for us I would have stuck with it for sure!!!

The difference so far...

I also had to have two months off jogging (which meant I had to walk the Colour Run) due to a ruptured hip muscle which you could physically see had gone and needed to be built back up and heeled. It hurt A LOT when it happened and I even heard my leg pop (over the music I had playing in my ears). But luckily with some physio and exercises I was able to recover very quickly and as a result I started out back jogging at the beginning of November and loving it (except for the wind sometime).

Bucket list item ticked - take part in a colour run

At the end of the colour run

So towards the end of October after LCHF not working so good, not being able to jog and generally not wanting to work out with the added effects of still not being able to find work in Malmö me and hubby went on a bit of a downward food spiral and were eating badly (not junk food but bread, white carbs, cakes etc had crept back in) as this happened we both ended up gaining some of our weight back and generally felt horrible about everything!

Stress, money, not knowing the future, job stress, looking for a job, feeling rubbish from the bad diet, panicking about Christmas and the affordability - yeah the list goes on and it made us both hit a wall HARD!! We both became strangers to each other, I hardly met up with friends, spent my mornings in bed and my afternoons escaping to the park with my son and evenings watching mind numbing TV and hardly speaking to each other!! By the last week of October if something didn't give soon it was going to get horrible between us and I was worried! We didn't argue, to much energy to argue and we both won't in front of our son anyway so we just hardly spoke to each other instead.

Luckily a few pieces of good news came in which helped to pick us up enough to see what was happening and what we were doing to each other as the beginning of November was just about to start we sat down discussed everything and came up with a plan to fix the things we could and hope they would help the things we couldn't fall into place.
The diet and exercise was the first thing we could and did change - we went back to clean eating and brown carbs. With this change our energy came back and we were able to start exercising again and we both also got back out jogging again.

A virtual 5k from FlexitPink really helped motivate us
Those initial changes gave us the energy, therapy, happiness to tackle the bigger issues we had control over we sat and talked, I went back to meeting up with friends, having friends round, talking to each other, enjoying weekends as a family and being positive that the other stuff would work itself out if we did all we could to work on the stuff we had control over.
I made sure I got up in the mornings and did productive things and we went back to planning our food for the week, putting a grocery list together and getting our groceries delivered so we only bought what we needed and no straying!

Day out as a family to Tivoli for Halloween
3 weeks in and we are a lot happier, yeah some things still need to happen and some things are entirely up to fate (with some hard work and perseverance) but our weight is nearly back to where it was before we went downhill and the lessons we have learnt will only make us stronger and more eager and hungry to succeed!!!
I still have faith that 2015 will be amazing, a true year to use all this years lessons and enjoy the reward for the year I have had. Luckily I can see what 2014 was all about for me and that was personal growth, strength and to learn who I actually am!!
I just can't wait to see this Warrior Princess in action next year!!!...
