So I was going about my day the other day when my phone's alarm went off, when I read it it was a reminder I had set a year ago saying "a year from now" and it made me smile.
Just breathe and ask yourself... |
Where this had come from was when this time last year I had decided Sweden was not for me I was to miserable and I wanted to move back to the UK. However instead of giving up so easily and without making my husband give up his passion and career I decided to give the move 1 year and set an alarm in my phone to go off. So that on that date a year later if I was still unhappy I could say I had tried hard to make it work and would move back to the UK.
So how do I feel a year later...
Pretty much the opposite :) I have managed to get a job here, I am pregnant with a little Swedish Miracle and my Husband has just been promoted to a position he has worked hard for and chased for a long time. We have just moved into a beautiful 1st hand contract apartment which is our to decorate as we like. We have a nursery :) and we are both very happy and healthy.
Our new front room overlooking a park & the Turning Torso |
Yeah it's not always easy having the baby has made me pine for my family more and I have had many a sleepless night worrying about our baby not seeing there grandparents enough and there other cousins, aunties, uncles etc but I have to remind myself of the better life they will have here, we all will have here and that when we do visit family it will be good quality time and longer visits then opposed to the odd day on a weekend which it could be if we were in the UK.
The nursery on its way to being finished |
Living away from family and friends really is a roller coaster journey and I think it will never be perfect but then again living in the UK wasn't. As long as the ups outweigh the downs you know your on the right path and to carry on and if one day the downs outweigh then we will have to sit down and think what next but right now a year on from being at my lowest I can see how glad and happy I am for sticking it out and making myself give it a year because I would hate to see what the other option had of turned out like and I know it would not of included a baby on the way.
There's always sunshine after the rain |
Perhaps it would be fun to set the same reminder again to see where our lives are a year from now because when the baby arrives in January its going to be one whole new roller coaster to enjoy :)
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