6 Month Congrats...

This blog post is more of a Well Done and Congratulations to my Amazing Hubby.

Our Gorgeous Wedding Day March 2008
Hubby has now lived in Beautiful Malmö for 6 months (I am a month and a half behind him) and has also successfully passed his 6 month probation at work with flying colours and is now a fully fledged permanent member.

I just want to Congratulate him on receiving such a glowing report and proving to them and himself that he is the awesome Super Hero I always know he is.

From losing his job that he cared deeply for, losing his identity as he had put so much into his old company, believing he would be apart of them until he retired to working in a job out of his industry that chipped away at him at what he had lost. To the arguments we went through worrying about money, his future, the dying UK games industry and where it would leave us.
From all that and more he managed to be strong enough with my help to believe in himself and us, that he applied for a position out of our country. Knowing it would be a huge decision if he was to get the job, he had enough faith in the life he wanted for us and our futures and himself that he took the huge step to apply, interview and accept a position in a new country, in a new world we knew nothing about and that could have all gone wrong.
My Super Hero managed to take my hand promise me it would all be all right and convince me (with the help of family and friends) to jump and come with him.

Six months later (well nearly for me) he has proven what an Amazing Life we are going to have and what an Amazing future he has with his new employer.
Don't get me wrong it has been hard as per my previous Blog's but we seem to of got to that stage where it has hit us we live here, it is for real, it isn't that far away from home with all the new tech out these days and when we sit and think about where we could be now in the UK it scares the hell out of us to even think about it!

He is an Inspiration to me and I think many others that know and meet him and I just really wanted to let everybody know, including him (coz I know he reads my blog's) that I am very proud to be his wife and to of made this new life and leap with him.

I now hope that with this, his glowing 6 month review and just all the amazing people in his life he can see how much of an Amazing Guy he is and for someone to take that leap and make a new life for himself he should definitely believe in himself.

My Superman xxxx
