A virus and pausing from training...

So since January (my last blog), I've been busy with birthdays, anniversaries and a vacation in February. All I have heard my self say during these times is "I'll get back on it next week", but I never did! I never put a lot of weight back on but I know I didn't lose much either and to be honest, even I was bored of hearing the excuses coming out of my mouth to my PT!!

Celebrating my birthday, it was supposed to be my last treat before getting back on it!!! 

So what was my plan, well it was the middle of March and I decided enough was enough and it was time to get back on track and hit that 100lbs weight loss goal, that I have been chasing for so many years! I was going to get back on it and get it done, despite the current Coronavirus situation...

The next week due to the Coronavirus we started to work remotely from home and a couple of days later I became ill with a virus. Now I do not know if it was COVID-19, bronchitis or some other kind of virus but I became very ill within my throat and chest for the next three weeks and because of this and in the interest of others health I stayed home isolated and could not work out. I have just gone into the 4th week now and my cough is now only a morning/night thing.

How I get to see my fabulous team currently

How has this affected my journey and my get back on it attitude??? To be bluntly honest, it has screwed it over!!!!
I have eaten so badly! No matter how many times I have felt horrendous from eating bad foods, I still carry on, carbs, chips, dips, Ben & Jerry's - you name it, I have eaten it. My alcohol consumption has gone up, I don't fast my usual 20:00 to 12:00 very often and I feel awful!
On top of that, the being inside has made me lose all motivation to get back on track and to care about leaving the house. Working out is my therapy and without it, I seem to of given up!

My current studio

I still work hard, be a good wife, Mamma and keep our apartment going together with my husband but time for me, self-care, leaving the apartment for myself, etc is none existent! I feel like my skin is crawling from my need to get out and to work out but I just can't get motivated to go for a walk, even for my mental health! I seem to of become a recluse and enjoy it! But how can I enjoy something that is not fun or healthy for me???

And the scales?? Well, they've gone back up. Not much to be honest, it should be much more then it is, for how I feel I have eaten over the last four weeks but it only seems to be the same 8lbs I keep gaining and losing since vacation, my birthday, etc..
But currently, I am 31lbs away from 100lbs lost when last time I blogged in January I was only 27lbs away and that was 4 months ago!! I should be there by now or damn closer then I am!!!

I need to get out more with this girl, she keeps me sane

So why blog about this? I think I just wanted to get out how much you can plan to do something but it will never go to plan that, that is normal and the way it is, unfortunately!!
And what should I learn from all of this? That I need to breathe, rest, reset, not be so hard on myself and admit when I need support!

I still felt amazing on vacation, for the first time since never

It is time for me to dust myself off yet again and with a bit of support from those around me, especially my husband and PT, I can get back on track and move closer to my goals! But I have to remind myself like most things it will take time, there will be bumps and to remember to enjoy myself on the way...
