I've been a little quiet lately....

Sorry I've been so quite lately getting into the swing of a new proper job with responsibilities and it's tiring me out BIG time. Also being spending a lot of time with hubby getting him back on the straight and narrow after losing his job knocked him off the rails for a bit.
He seems to be getting back on track and there's a lot of positive buzz floating around so things are looking better.
We've decided I'm not moving house as being near my family, yard and job is to important for me. So if hubby does get a job a distance away he will bed sit during the week and see me at weekends. Which unfortunately for the horses will mean I will be doing a lot more with them and I will get to enjoy my family more too, however if he gets a job near home and stays with me I get win win coz I will still make sure I commit to seeing the horses and family more and squeeze him in somewhere :)

Started a diet this week, so that's been taking some getting used to I've had it all headaches, tiredness but I will get through that and enjoy the benefits I will receive from it.

I'm still grabbing 2011 by the balls, not much gets me down any more and im so positive it feels like im a new woman xx
